WHAT WE DOIn Haiti there are more than a quarter million children who are victims of domestic slavery. In Haitian Creole they are called "restavek" from the French word"rester avec" meaning "stay with." Many parents, who live in poverty, mainly in rural areas or slums, are unable to feed their children. They give them away to more affluent families hoping that their child will live in better conditions and will receive an education. But, with few exceptions, these children become slaves, working in the homes from early morning until night. In some situations they take care of other children who are older than them and do house work as well. Many of the restaveks are not permitted to go to school and are exposed to domestic and sexual violence.
We want to rescue these children and help them get a quality education. The picture you see on the right is of a mother with seven children. She can only send two of them to school. The other five stay at home, and she cannot feed them. After the earthquake that shook Haiti six years ago, the situation there is getting worse. We need your help to send 100 children to school in August 2016. Please lend a hand. Any size donation is greatly appreciated and tax deductible. How FEDHA Helps Haitians Help Themselves: With your donations, Leferene travels to Haiti and physically assists in the enrollment of each child into a private school (which is more reliable than the public school systems in Haiti since teachers get paid consistently). He issues enrollment, uniforms with the FEDHA logo, school supplies, and makes sure transportation to and from school is set up for each sponsored child. FEDHA required the students to pass the classes during the school year in order to stay in the program. FEDHA will get reports on child attendance, child progress, and the conditions of the schools. FEDHA will also secure and share its receipts so donors can have every confidence in where their donations are being used. These children learn many languages in school (Haitian Creole, French, English, and Spanish) to ensure they are well equipped to find the best employment possible after graduation. Your donations help Haitians help themselves! . |
FOUNDINGFounded in April 2004, the main goal of FEDHA is to help the less-fortunate children of Haiti receive a quality education. This will give them the power to change their circumstance - and the circumstance of the country of Haiti as a whole - for the better.
Leferne Preptit, Founder of FEDHA, grew up poor in Haiti, but he and his family knew the importance of education to his future, so they worked extremely hard to send him to school. He walked three hours daily to and from school! With education comes opportunity and leadership. With your help, the future of Haiti will change...one donation at a time. If you purchase a copy the book, Survivor: My Life As A Haitian Refugee, you will learn more about us and our work with the children of Haiti. All proceeds from the book go to a scholarship fund for the children of Haiti. To purchase the book please visit us at: https://www.createspace.com/4276963 |